

nooooooooooo!!!4:15 PM

Agh, I had to do a system restore on my beloved comp., and it deleted my entire hard drive. I knew that was going to happen, of course, but oh dear, I forgot about Photoshop! So now my most prized possession, dear old Adobe Photoshop 7.0, my pride and joy, is gone. So now what am I supposed to do?! Sit here and twiddle my thumbs?! What about my Blogskins stuff and my website and everything?!?! So I have decided to use this as my everything. I am officially retiring from the web and graphic design business. I've decided to just kick back and relax and enjoy the n00bieness of Blogspot and not worry about doing all the dirty work like coding, etc. Heh, I might even start using premade themes, er, SKINS, on Blogskins! I am going back to n00bism, holy crap.

On the contrary, I am obviously winning this little comment skirmish with The Nose (aka Shana Griffin), who can't even spell the word "jealous" right, has absolutely NO phonetic or grammar skills, and doesn't know a rainforest from a Pop Tart. At least Cartman knows that!

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it seems all the other kiddoes have these Blogger blogs. I myself have a domain name that I host WORDPRESS on. Not the n00b  (premade) kind, but the hardcore php developed make-and-code-your-own-theme kind. 

But in order for me to comment on their goddamned Blogger blogs, apparently I have to have one of these. So, I decided to pick up this one that I abandoned oh-so long ago.

I should just make it redirect to KQ,                                                            

DAMMIT THE LINK WON'T STOP!!! Apparently I have to start a new line. Damn this wysiwyg editor. I miss my simple WP one. WAAH!

Anyhoo, KQ ( is my domain, which I blog regularly at, so if you are reading this, go ahead and go there. It's much more interesting.
